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Student's Guide

Supporting Green Living


The purpose of an academic policy is to establish clear expectations and standards for academic performance and conduct, and to ensure that all members of the academic community are aware of their responsibilities and obligations. Academic policies cover a wide range of topics, including admission requirements, academic standards and grading policies, academic honesty and plagiarism, student conduct and discipline, and the use of academic resources such as libraries and laboratories. These policies are intended to create a safe and productive learning environment, promote academic integrity, and ensure that all students have access to the resources and support they need to succeed academically. At CMA, we take academic policies very seriously and strive to create a culture of academic excellence and integrity. We believe that academic policies are essential for maintaining high standards of scholarship and ensuring that all students have the opportunity to reach their full potential. As such, we have developed a comprehensive set of academic policies that apply to all members of our community, and we expect all students and staff to familiarise themselves with these policies and abide by them at all times.

Admission Requirements

Admission to MAD School is based on an applicant's academic qualifications and passion for Marketing, Advertising & Design world. Applicants are expected to provide complete and accurate information in their application materials, and any misrepresentation or omission of information may result in revocation of admission. The required documents may vary based on the course that a student applied for, but here are some of the fundamental documents that may be needed:


• Application Form

• Cert & Transcript (Highest qualifications)

• IC (for verifying student details)

• Exception Form (if applying for exemption)

• Admission fee


**CMA may request additional related documents when necessary.

Academic Standards and Grading Policies

At MAD School, we have high academic standards and expect our students to maintain a high level of academic performance. Students are required to complete all assigned coursework and meet all course requirements to receive credit for a course. Grading policies are established by Academic Board members and will be communicated clearly to students at the beginning of each course.


Grading System:

  • Assignment based numeric grading system (90-100 Higher Distinction, 80-89 Distinction, 70-79 Merit, 60-69 Credit, 50-59 Pass, 40-49 Reassessment, 0-39 Re-unit).

  • Assignments are marked at the end of the course based on marking rubrics set by the Academic Team, with the consideration and inputs from respective module lecturers.

  • Assignments are moderated by the Academic Director or other parties who are familiar in the respective module discipline, after the marking is done by the lecturer. Marked and moderated grades are being combined and split equally. Moderation will not take into account marks awarded based on student consultation, presentation and class participation.

  • Students are to achieve a minimum grade of 50 in order to pass the module. Students who do not achieve a passing grade will either have to do a re-unit, or a reassessment, depending on their grade.

  • A re-unit requires the re-taking of the entire module from start to finish.

  • A reassessment requires the re-doing of assignments that have not achieved a passing grade. Reassessment assignments will be marked and the final grade will replace the original module’s grade.

  • A student who does not pass a reassessment will be required to do a re-unit.


Attendance requirement:

  • Students are to achieve a minimum grade of 75% attendance in order to qualify for module assessment.

  • Attendance reminders are sent to students before they drop below the 75% requirement.

  • Students who are not able to meet the minimum attendance requirement may still be considered for module assessment if they have valid reasons for missing class (reviewed on a case by case basis).

  • Students who have missed the first 3 classes of any module will be required to re-unit the module, regardless of reason.

  • Students who attend class more than 30 minutes after the class has started will be marked as absent (unless there are valid reasons)

Student Conduct and Discipline

Academic honesty is a fundamental value at CMA. We expect students to adhere to high standards of integrity in all academic work. Plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited and may result in severe penalties, including failing a course or dismissal from CMA. At CMA School, we expect all students to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner at all times. The institution reserves the right to discipline students who violate our code of conduct or engage in behaviour that is disruptive or harmful to the academic community. The discipline process may include warnings, probation, suspension, or expulsion.

Use of Academic Resources

Academic resources, including library, computer lab, and other facilities, are essential for academic success. All members of the academic community are expected to use these resources responsibly and in accordance with established policies and procedures. Misuse or abuse of academic resources may result in disciplinary action.


  • Student lounge - The lounge area is available within office working hours from 10am-8.30pm daily (Monday-Friday, exclude public holidays). No booking is required.

  • Library - To borrow books from the library, students and lecturers need to fill out a library form and return the borrowed books within a month. If they require more time, they must notify the Operations Department.

  • Laboratory/Classroom - Students and lecturers can book laboratory and classroom subject to availability within office working hours from 10am-8.30pm (Monday-Friday, exclude public holidays). - Bookings must be made at least three working days in advance to the Operation Department.

Use of Academic Resources

Academic resources, including library, computer lab, and other facilities, are essential for academic success. All members of the academic community are expected to use these resources responsibly and in accordance with established policies and procedures. Misuse or abuse of academic resources may result in disciplinary action.


  • Student lounge - The lounge area is available within office working hours from 10am-8.30pm daily (Monday-Friday, exclude public holidays). No booking is required.

  • Library - To borrow books from the library, students and lecturers need to fill out a library form and return the borrowed books within a month. If they require more time, they must notify the Operations Department.

  • Laboratory/Classroom - Students and lecturers can book laboratory and classroom subject to availability within office working hours from 10am-8.30pm (Monday-Friday, exclude public holidays). - Bookings must be made at least three working days in advance to the Operation Department.


Anyone using MAD School facilities should:

  • Always clean up after use. This includes wiping down surfaces, disposing of trash and returning equipment or materials to their proper place.

  • Do not damage or misuse any equipment in the classroom or lab. If somethings is not working properly, notify the Operations Department immediately.

  • Respect the rights and privacy of other users of the facilities. Avoid making excessive noise, disturbing others, or infringing on their space.

  • Always make sure to switch off the sockets, lights and aircon as well as lock the doors when leaving the rooms.

Student Support
  • Academic Support: CMA provide study hours for Full-Time students who require assistance with their academic work.

  • Emotional support: We believe that emotional support is an essential part of a student’s academic success, and we are committed to ensuring that our students feel supported and empowered throughout their academic journey. If students require recommendations for a counsellor, they can contact our Academic Department.

  • Goals setting: CMA offers counselling sessions to assist students in establishing, organising and accomplishing their academic objectives.

Student Feedback
  • Every student will need to complete a survey form during every 5th and last session of each module. The survey will include their feedback for lecturers, facilities and other relevant factors.

  • Upon receiving their certificates at the end of their course, students will be requested to complete a feedback survey for,, which will serve as a summary of their experience at CMA.

  • If a student wishes to file a complaint, they may consult our Complaint Policy for the appropriate steps and fill in the Complaint Form.


i. International Learning Experience

• MAD School will organise learning trips to various countries at least twice a year for students, lecturers, and staff who wish to explore different fields of the design world, combining educational and entertaining elements to create an edutainment experience.


ii. IOP (Industrial Orientation Programme)

• For Full Time students enrolled in Professional Certificate, Diploma and Professional Diploma programmes, there will be 4 sessions of IOP conducted each semester. These sessions include site visits (to agencies or event venues), classroom learning and workshops (conducted by industry practitioners), and out-of-class learning and workshops (conducted by industry practitioners).

• The subjects being taught during these workshops can either be an extension of what is being covered during school, of a similar discipline, or an entirely new discipline that is outside their usual scope of learning.

• The goal is to expose students to more than what is being taught within their academic learning hours in school.


iii. MAD Men Talk

• MAD School will organise MAD Men Talks bi-monthly for students, alumni, and members of the public to attend. Speakers will be industry practitioners who wish to share about new developments in the industry, or their particular business.


iv. Alumni

• CMA will organise a program for Alumni at least once a year to follow up on their development.

Contact Us 

Tel 6337 5449


Book a Consultation


Riverside Point

30 Merchant Road

#03-22/23/24 [Office]

#03-04/05/06, 21 [Campus]

Singapore 058282

Tel +65 6337 5449


Operation Hours

Monday- Friday 

10.00pm — 8.30pm

© 2024 M.A.D. School by Chatsworth Medi@rt Academy (200305753H) is registered with the Committee for Private Education (CPE) from 03/08/2022 to 02/08/2026


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