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Different Types of Illustrations in Web Design (With Examples)

Illustration – an incredibly versatile tool that can be used in the web design of a site. Due to the diversity in the choice of techniques, styles and approaches we have very wide range of applications and possible implementation.

Today we’ll speak about some key points, so you can find new ideas and easily understand the forms and techniques by the example of illustrations of different web sites. Before turning directly to the examples, let’s mention one distinctive feature and definite plus of any illustrations — a diverse.

Due to this characteristic illustration may combine several techniques and styles, such as grunge or watercolor. Through this combination, designers have a wide variety of choice that allows to realize any idea and the task at different “angles”.

Let’s start with the basic tasks of illustrations:

  • Graphic art component of the site or service

  • Examples of work items or any items

  • Visual explanation of the data and the decoration

Can be listed a few more tasks, but they will intersect with those that we have described above. As a rule, during the design, all of these tasks are combined and consolidated for greater efficiency. If you ask yourself the question about the role of the illustrations on the page, in most cases, you name at least two of these tasks.

However, if you carry out only one task this does not mean that the design can not be successful and useful. In this article, you will see examples of web design of sites, which were used illustrations.

The first category – the creation of illustrations, which will be linked to human activity, the product or the whole site. From this proposition, it is clear the main goals of the creation of such illustrations. It must be noted that this category is most often combined with other, thus making a variety of exterior site.

iutopi – Creative Land / Branding, Graphic & Web Design

HDQT – Hull Digital Question Time

Web Design Fator Criativo

Made By Chipmunk

Illustrations of Mascots

Mascot, usually represents a site or product, being its main character. Very often the name of the site is similar to the name of the character, and using mascot helps to make the design more memorable and unique. The combination of character with additional illustrations can clearly emphasize its role.


The Great Bearded Reef

Minding Monsters

Pixel Thread

Big Eye Creative

Pictorial Illustrations in Web Design

This is a rather ambiguous category because many examples can be attributed to the thematic illustrations. However, it has the right to life and differs mainly by the choice of a wide variety of facilities and techniques. It uses large decorative elements (backgrounds or substrate), and small, sometimes imperceptible at first glance, decorations (pictures of people, animals, places or objects of different sizes.)

Pixel Stadium

Coca Cola

Illustrated Text

Using original, custom text, obviously not new method and is not something outstanding. But it is the technique used on the set of resources, and in most of them, this detail is the first and only. The main task of using this element in the design – adding uniqueness. After all, text is perfectly suited for this.

Tree House Editing

Imitation In Web Design – Joey Lomanto

La Web Shop


Information Illustrations in Web Design

Examples in this category we find the most beautiful, creative, and technically complicated. It combines competent elements layout, clear / short description and, most importantly, memorable and beautiful illustrations. Looking at the examples, you’ll understand what we wanted to say.

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